We're waiting for some more parts to arrive (coilovers, bump stops,
etc), but fabrication is nearing completion on the back of the ProWraps
Ranger. The upper wishbone link is fully welded up, and so we decided to get the mounts built.
Here's the axle-side mount. Built from .250" steel, it shrouds the 1.25" heim joint completely.

The wishbone mounts to the inside of the frame rails, where we boxed the frame in with 1/4" steel.
The wishbone itself was laser cut from 10 gauge steel. Each hole is sleeved with DOM tubing, and everything is TIG welded together. Should be one of the strongest parts of the truck!
The lower links are welded up, and we're just setting up the mounts on the frame and axle. When the coilovers show up we can build the upper mounts and finish the cage, and this truck will almost be ready to set on its wheels!
More to come soon- I just didn't want to go too long without an update on this truck!